Sunday, January 29, 2023

WOTC - Brazilian contracts

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 67 % of respondents said that Keppel paid a fee to a local agent to take care of the regulations and approvals. This approach was necessary in some countries. 33% said that Keppel was bribing the Brazilian officials.


  1. Kcut haircut went up from $SGP12 to $SGP15. I asked if it was only bcause of CNY. They said that it was permanent.

  2. There are more foreign-born than Spore-born people living here on this tiny island..

  3. Sometimes, the moon is so busy with the new souls of the world that it disappears from the sky. That is why we have moonless nights. But in the end the moon always returns.

  4. Understandable there is an age difference. But the worst thing is to put Mr Lousy School's

    wife beside Prime Minister's wife. Paiseh.
