Monday, February 06, 2023

CDC Voucher

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 95% of the respondents do not like the CDC voucher. They prefer the government to keep the cost of living low or to credit the money into their bank account.


  1. CDC vouchers eat into time, money, resources and materials.

  2. The feelings are reciprocal. When you do not trust people how they should spend the money because of a few black sheep. The mutual understanding is that people do not trust them with their money.

  3. Getting help from the Budget is one thing, but to put a country over-reliance and rule with money perhaps is going too far?

    I raise my children to be self-reliant, defend themselves and live within their means.

    As a parent, my duty is not to spoon-feed. I provide them with an environment that is safe, and secure, opportunities and good health (health is wealth) and bring happiness in what they do and a base of a good education.

    I provide love and encouragement and try to protect them and their well-being. I give my best in being there for them in terms of physically and emotionally.

    The one thing I detest is spoiling them with money, the latest gadgets, or material love.

    Nobody can help you if you do not help yourselves.

    My thoughts are that the needy should be given a special card when they shop for necessities at NTUC or eat at hawker centres be given a 15% discount and cut out all the crap including all GST.

    One basic necessity is that housing should be affordable and available so that people are not forced into resale which is pricier and eats into their monthly income where they have less to spend on other necessities.

    Entry into secondary and junior colleges and polytechnic should be based half on results and another half on distance weightage. Most households are spending a fortune on tuition and other lessons This ingrained kiasu that school results and the school that you attend defines a person for life mindset should change.

    More dual-key homes should be built so that relatives are able to live harmoniously together taking care of the elderly or childcare so as to cut dependence on maids. This in turn cuts household spending.

    If the government needs feedback, they need to visit households, not get it from Forward Singapore which did not represent the real picture. Most are for their own benefit not for the real country.
