Wednesday, February 08, 2023

ChatGPT and similar software

 1. Many people found ChatGPT to be useful. I agree. I have used it often.

2. Some people found that ChatGPT and similar software are not totally accurate. They were able to trick in the software into giving unreliable output.

3. This is my guess of the inaccuracy of information:

a) ChatGPT - perhaps 1%

b) Google search - perhaps 10%. I make this estimate because the search produces many resources, and the user might select the wrong resources or interpret them wrongly

c) Content spread through social media - perhaps 30%. Many of these contents are made with the bias of the creator or were deliberately faked to mislead the reader.

4. I use my common sense to read and understand the content and decide if it is credible. Sometimes, I verify with an alternative source. If the output is not credible, I disregard it.

5. I am not worried that the output produced by ChatGPT or similar software may be unreliable. I do not trust the output totally. In spite of the possible inaccuracy, I will use the software, because it is helpful.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. Cannot believe what you hear or read.

    God gave us a brain ears eyes to make own judgement.

    Judgement can also be not accurate.

    Otherwise how people kenna Scam.

    Even judges cannot judge accurate.

    That was when Patyi's came in. A half-innocent lady was nearly sent to prison wrongly. We supposed to have first-class judiciary system.

    Go to court also scared now.
