Sunday, February 05, 2023

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Did China sent a spy balloon over America?
2. What are your views about the future of Malaysia.
3. Should the flow of traffic at the land crossing with Johor be improved?

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  1. 2. What are your views about the future of Malaysia.

    a.Corruption will never be eradicated. But thanks to social media, those who are in it would be exposed. But not all can be exposed.

    b. The country is so messy that whoever rule would find it impossible to put it right. Anwar will try his best. He fought for years to become Prime Minister. Therefore he wanted the position badly. At 75 he is still full of energy. He looks like he loves his job. Anwar is not a saint. But he is the best person to run Malaysia now.

  2. China's "belt and road" is to the game of Go where they surround and choke their opponents.

    The US is trying to avoid a war but people are sure they have ready Plans for A.B & C if provoked.
