Friday, February 24, 2023

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Is it acceptable for China to provide arms to Russia?
2. If America implement comprehensive sanction on China, what will happen?
3. Can China dump US dollars?

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  1. Painful to hear, but it is the truth and the truth always hurt.

    The ACS people that I came across whether they are colleagues from the different

    organizations that I have come in contact with through the different stages of life,

    one thing they were candid about was that they do not mix with the average people were

    that the topics to them were very narrow. They do not understand topics like

    private properties, luxury cars, having relatives living overseas eg London, Paris or

    New York. Travelling to exotic places and which is the latest restaurants for the

    best steaks. While there will always be exceptions, one even told me that it would

    be like talking to them about the university modules to only someone with secondary

    two educations.

    My father used to say to my grandma- " Why you so lorsoh? Tell you oso you no understand".

    One even said that once you are a grad, your close friends are mostly similar criteria.

  2. Sometimes, one needs to make changes for themselves. The whole world cannot make changes just for you.

  3. Don't buy fish, seafood, chicken from market.

    Ah Pek tell you $00 per kilo.

    Weghing machine facing them.

    Can only see their mouth moving doing calculate anyhow give a price. Then said $15.40 give you 40cent discount so price $15

    At supermaket the weighing machine weigh and print out the price and pay at cashier.

  4. There are a few things that stood out with Ah Loong. Firstly he did not allow his own family member to gain from his father's founding home. If he did not allow the court to investigate the world would accuse him of allowing one rule for his family member and another rule for the public. Torn between the rock and hard place. Could have cash in the property since his father will it to him, but chose to donate the proceeds to charities?

    Changing rules for the president against TCB?

    Could have earned one million SGD a month by becoming DBS CEO but chose to give his soul to the country for far less money.

    Change election boundaries to give PAP an advantage?

    Could have jumped the queue to give his albino son the school of their choice, but instead got HC to call up schools by not revealing who they were but only he is albino. Only one school except him.

    The best man for the job in the world, unfortunately, the country is not going for the better.
