Wednesday, February 01, 2023

WOTC - High salaries for political leaders

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 81% of the respondents said that high salaries attract the wrong people to become leaders of a country.


  1. Expensive leaders with coherent personal impact and strong presence is a big help in getting things done.

    Expensive leaders must deliver outstanding results.

    Expensive leaders know that the world is changing fast and can respond without being overly destructive by balancing the old and new methods.

    Expensive leaders are high-performance and make a positive difference in people's lives.

    Expensive leaders are supposed to produce and prove that they are a good product.

    Now the people have no faith in these expensive leaders when they need people from the ground to open up their eyes on social media before they begrudgingly act.

    Not worth the money. Expensive lip service.

  2. There are only 24 hours in a day and there is no such thing as a superwoman. Here are why standards are dropping all 'cause money is never enough. Stretch between being a wife, mother, MP and Grab. WTF.

    Tin Pei Ling joining Grab Singapore.

  3. The heart is the mouth, or the mouth is the heart.
    Comparing the baseline.
    I had a short stint in America working.
    The people I met or came in contact with especially the Asians if asked who they were, all except one I have come across will tell you that they are Indian or Malaysian first followed by an American citizen. None have directly come out and said that they are Americans.
    How can you have an Indian in DBS? His aim was to make as much money as possible or service the country?

  4. MPs can afford to have a full-time highly responsible job. All was the need to have their names as MPs and then meet the people 2 to 3 times a week for a few hours. Highly paid well good for nothing. All they do is write in for you and there was no follow-up by them. Only near the election than they became visible. Missing LKY.
