Friday, March 03, 2023

Measures to increase the birth rate

1. Someone wrote an article stating that it is not possible to increase the birth rate as women today prefer to have a career and do not wish to bear children.

2. I disagree with the writer (and the conventional wisdom). My view is that some women (perhaps half) wants a career, but the others are willing to be a home maker, if they are paid as much as a working woman.

3. The mums at home have to be paid by the state for the work of raising a family. The pay should be similar to what they can earn by working in a retail shop, eatery or factory.

4. In the case of Singapore, a suitable pay should be $1,000 a month for each child up to age 12 years, and up to 3 child per family.

5. The better educated women will want to be professionals and managers. Many of them do not want to raise children, or will only have one child (and keep pets). However, not all women can achieve these careers.

6. In the past, the cost of living was low, so families can afford to have mums at home. But today, the cost of living is high, and many families cannot afford to have mums at home. They have to go out and work, and raise less children.

7. This problem is faced by all countries under the free market economic system, and not by Singapore alone. They all suffer the same problem, and have the same sickness (i.e. declining population).

8. Can the state afford to pay these mums at home? The state can, if they can get the high income people to pay more tax.

9. My proposal will attract the women that are not highly educated and do not mind being mums at home - if the get an adequate income for this "job".

10. I do not agree with the elitist concept promoted by the Singapore government, i.e. to encourage well educated women to produce more children and discourage the less education women from doing so. This is the source of the problem faced by Singapore.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. My block passed the 5 years occupation period. Lately we have been noticing a very pronounced

    Ah Huas, Ah Tiongs and Ah Chuns with their children. The way they ride their bicycles with

    the children pillion is like they own the whole road. If you go to their country that is

    exactly they behave and they bring their behaviour along with their children to make

    up for the shortfall in Spore births.

    My educated Sporean neighbour with 3 young children emigrated to Perth. According to the

    corresponding emails with them, they bought a 4 bedroom all attach baths detach house for

    less than a million dollar, for a more slower pace of life and a less stress education

    system. They have rented out their apartment here.

    The choices made by my neighbour is not a generalisation that all young families are

    emigrating and we are being replaced by babies from Malaysia China and India. We are

    also seeing more of inter racial marriages more of men from India to Sporean Chinese women.

    Their babies are adorable and cute.

  2. Musings From The Youngs For Not Wanting Children,

    #1- Astronomical costs,

    #2- The world ending soon,

    #3- Unsuitable environment,

    #4- Family history,

    #5- Unwilling to give up life's passions like travelling,

    #6-More singles today due to commitment phobia,

    #7-Lack of close family emotional, mental and physical help.

    There are more minuses in having children than pluses in having.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Olden times- Basic necessities- a roof, food and clothing.
    Newer times- Basic necessities- a roof, food, clothing, a mobile phone and a computer each.

    Not healthy in bringing up children where an environment is driven by money and school grades.
    We are not put on this earth like a cat catching its tail.

  4. After a funeral, I felt as if time was suddenly precious. We know roughly when a human would be born, but not when they would die.

  5. We have an overload of 'terms & conditions' from the government and too much of a BS on housing that we don't need more from the housing itself.
    When we go to the hospital, everyone is treated equally. If you want more comfort, it is your own choice to pay more for a single room. There is no such thing as subsidising like the Prime Location Housing for a 'deserving few'.

    No more propaganda about land being more expensive than before. My mother lives in a 10-storey HDB building. I got my flat 6 years and I believe the building is 40 storeys. This is 4 times housing on the same piece of land which they had never acknowledged.

    If people's hearts and brains are supposed to function like regular human beings, they should know that after Hsein Loong this country is finished.
