Saturday, March 11, 2023

Pricing of HDB flats (2)

 I propose this new approach to pricing HDB flats to remove the impression that the flats are unaffordable.


  1. We have an overload of 'terms & conditions' from the government and too much of a BS on housing that we don't need more from the housing itself.
    When we go to the hospital, everyone is treated equally. If you want more comfort, it is your own choice to pay more for a single room. There is no such thing as subsidising like the Prime Location Housing for a 'deserving few'.

    No more propaganda about land being more expensive than before. My mother lives in a 10-storey HDB building. I got my flat 6 years and I believe the building is 40 storeys. This is 4 times housing on the same piece of land which they had never acknowledged.

    If people's hearts and brains are supposed to function like regular human beings, they should know that after Hsein Loong this country is finished.

  2. DBS fella pay rise was not his making. For more than a year now my mortgage payment went from $3200 monthly to $5100 today with DBS due to a lending interest hike. To say DBS profits because of him was •daylight robbery•.

  3. Ministers pay hike, oppositions make a lot of noises.

    DBS obscene pay hike, he deserves it.

    If he so clever, why not make him finance minister and earn big money for the country.

  4. The decent thing they can do for its citizens is proficiencies in place where their people, whether single, divorced, married, dead or in the womb are able to get a flat of their choice, in size, location and affordability.

    It is a basic requirement for a good and responsible government.

    If the flats are of good quality and comfortable, people would not have the silly idea of MOP 5 years , sell make a profit and buying privately to extend themselves commercially.
    Fewer upgrades mean the private properties' price increase is not too intense. Those who have the option to sell just do not fancy their flats. Why?

    The government would not have to keep adding and adjusting rules to properties whether public or private making everything off balance in so often frequencies.

    There are 3 surviving elements that humans cannot live without. Homes, hospitals and schools. Schools and hospitals have not been compromised. Housing has become a drama and being a supposedly rich country, this should never have become a such burden for its citizens.

  5. In general, people are forced into buying BTOs with the mentality of-"NO FISH PRAWN ALSO GOOD." BO HOO HEI ARR HOE.

  6. Got plenty of lands to sell to developers for billions.
    Not enough land to build homes for its own people.

    Some very old private condos with huge lands are difficult to get enbloc due to 80% requisition. Prices need to be high for owners to sign but developers would not pay. Land becomes underutilized.

    Rather than finding solutions, just use money and punishment to solve them.
