Saturday, March 25, 2023

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should a country increase its pension age in line with increase in life expectancy?
2. Is it fair for the government of France to increase the pension age from 62 to 64?
3. What is a better way to save for retirement?
4. Did Leong Mun Wai made allegations without checking the facts.
5. Did Leong Mun Wai act irresponsibly in Parliament?
6. Did minister Shanmugam acted fairly and objectively?

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  1. ____________________________________________________________________________

    Overly distinctive between the two not in race or occupation but.......

    One has all the.......
    1. backups
    2. territory
    3. experience
    4. resources
    5. a bully
    6. his name
    but the only good here was he spoke up for the country.

    1. had none of the above
    2. sounded illiterate (sorry)
    3. enjoyed mishandling
    spoke up for an individual who is of no service to the country.


  2. They kept saying they have police unmarked cars on the roads to catch unruly motorists. Day in and out the drivers are getting more dangerous on the roads. Have never seen anyone getting pulled over yet.

  3. Which is worthier???
    A 99 year HDB or a 10 year COE???

  4. Q. Why are things crumbling all around us?

    A. It could be because they tend to choose leaders who are book smart and not street smart.

  5. Why majority who live abroad chose not to come back for good?

    A uni close friend(double degree holder) of mine recently came home from London for a three-week visit with her English husband and two very young children. They live in a single-storey three-bedroom house one hour drive to London which costs ₤720,000. Since their salary is paid in ₤s the exchange rate is of no different.

    They found the pace of life very fast, people were impatient, rude and always in a rush.
    They chose to stay in their service apartment, ordered in and have friends and relatives visit them rather than them going out. The two times they were out, some people gave them daggers look like their pushchair had brushed into someone. Most eating places are cramped and not child friendly.
    "Agoraphobia" was the word they nicknamed themselves. We received a one-liner when they reached their home. "Glad to be home!"

    My reasoning.
    Those who live here nowadays, are mostly from China and Malaysia. A money-face country where time is money. Half of the population are foreigners.
