Monday, March 27, 2023

WOTC - Ukraine war

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 87% of respondents said that America and Europe wants Ukraine to fight Russia to the end.


  1. Ay, why you so happy?

    DBS Goliath had shown its true color again. Thats why.

    Perhaps they should stop cutting cost by hiring cheap and taking away ATMS and closing bank branches.

  2. The husband sues the ugly wife and wins a pretty ugly divorce settlement.

    The story of Jian Feng the Chinese man that divorced his wife and then sued her for being ugly, Feng divorced his wife for breach of contract and then sued her.

    After the wife had their child the man was apparently appalled by the child’s looks. He became suspicious the wife may have had an affair because the baby didn’t resemble either of them.

    The wife later confessed to having plastic surgery. After seeing what the woman looked like prior to surgery, the man who claimed to have been so in love with her became disgusted. In May 2012, he filed a lawsuit, claiming she tricked him, and he married her under false pretences.

    The male judge apparently sympathized with the husband, Feng won and was awarded $120,000. Always heard beauty is only skin deep.

    No word on custody and support of the child. Apparently, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but not in the DNA.


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