Monday, April 03, 2023

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Why was PM Lee taken from Beijing airport in a bus?
2. Did China gave different treatment to Lee HL and Anwar Ibrahim?

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1 comment:

  1. Just my opinion. Not sure about the full details of the number of people that went on this

    trip. First, he might want to lead by example to his staff and ministers that he did not want

    special treatment. Second, he is saying that he is cutting costs because they are spending

    states expense.

    Wish he would lead by example by not demonising a few oppositions during elections. As head

    of state, he needs to show examples that we should be more tolerant and compassionate to

    our fellow countrymen. Now people are copying their dirty habits of intolerance. Every

    little things are put on social media to complain and they want too always be right. All

    this super kiasu comes from the very top.
