Thursday, May 18, 2023

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should the president call a COI to study rental of the Ridout bungalows?
2. Should the SLA inform the public about the rental of the Ridout bungalows?

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  1. Only in Malaysia do we see politicians live in obscene luxury???????

  2. Some just want to be superior to others.

    When has got a history of looking down on schools speaks volumes of someone who is an elitist
    and wants the lifestyle of the top end, but condoned its people not to eat at restaurants.
    These types of creatures are not there for the people or country but for themselves.

  3. Hold On! Be Prepared For The Sharks and The Guppy Fish Comparison. More To Come!

  4. Off course the majority notice how they divert domestic problems by 'echoing' and 'laliaing' the international ones.

  5. When one brings up their children/grandchildren in such a fancy kind of lifestyle, they must

    have done their homework that such lifestyles are sustainable. If not, their next generation

    would come to a rude awakening?

  6. Fellow Singaporeans, more oppositions ought to be voted in to stamp out ____________?
    It might look like a patchwork, but we might look at the positive that all the different patchworks usually materialise into a beautiful quilt.

    Do not be put off by the PAP'S patchwork policies that rarely turn into a beautiful quilt.

    We cannot allow an auto-pilot PM, who is on his way out to shut his eyes, ears and mouth.
    You are either the PM or you are not. Cannot be half and half. The incoming is also half and half. WTF.

  7. Tongue Twisters-

    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

    She sells sea-shells by the sea-shore.

    When Khadak Singh shakes, the windows shake; when the windows shake, Khadak Singh shakes.

  8. Sure or not? They still dare to come out and say no land for BTOS

  9. Ethics & Morality.

    Good points where people were given $100-$200-$300-$400-$500-$600 to $1500?
    After Ridout's compelling saga, these amounts not only look like peanuts but one salt?

    80 percentage of the population lives in cramps and HDB pigeonholes.

    Some cannot even afford to rent a room. There are still homeless people.

    There was no indication of shame or guilt. According to claim was they did not break any rules.

  10. One Thing Is That This Government Needs To Stop Getting Doctors And Lawyers For Cabinet Ministers. We Are Sick Of Hearing That They Left Private Service For Less Money In Public Service! What Is The Proof That They Are Getting Less With Bonuses?

  11. One thing they have never mentioned was that when you run your own private practice be it doctors or senior counsels, paying their own overheads is colossal. What they are doing now they only paying income taxes, getting the peons to do all the legwork!!!!!!!!!

  12. .Who are the ones more probable than not, are allowed to bend the rules?
    The ones who made the rules.

    What is success?
    It means you earn it fair and square.

    What is trust?
    Trust your instinct don't lie.

    Did anybody give their lives for their country?
    Without the late LKYew, this country would not be what it is today. Almost corrupt free, the good infrastructure and safety. But hey, look at his three children and the kind of assets they own. Less than 1% of the population can achieve that kind of wealth?

  13. In 2017(?) Mr Shame Asked The Government's Secretary At the Ministry Of Law To Look Out B&W Bungalows For "Personal"
    Rent Use( Not For Work Use). All These Government Servants Are Paid By Tax-Payer's Money? This Is Grossly Illegal And Abuse Of Power. He Of All Ministers Did Not Know The Law? Is This How The System Works? No Wrongdoing? Trust Is Eroded!
