Saturday, May 06, 2023

WOTC - Increase in ABSD

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 64% of the respondents support the huge increase in ABSD to cool down the property market.


  1. Desperate times call for desperate measures?


    Very Siong

    One wedding invitation at St. Regis.

    Another one at Capella Sentosa.

    You cannot not attend it was someone you were close to during university.

    Guests were in a position to pay for the dinner. No choice.

  3. A policy is based on a theory of a chain linking costs that sometimes exceed the benefits of unforeseen consequences.

  4. Agree with enough confusion and I think the people have had enough;

    My father came home and showed me his dental bill from 2 private clinics extremely upset asking me for answers WHY? The first clinic charges him under MERDEKA CHAS and subsidies were calculated at 42%. This dentist's description was consultation, X-ray, extraction and cleaning. For certain treatments, he was given a referral letter to someone else. The grand total was $400 but after subsidies, he paid $224.50. No GST

    The second dentist bill $1004 but the subsidy was only $16. He described that the diagnosis was similar but this description was an examination, X-ray and CT scan. Sub total $930, 8% GST at $74.40. Who came out with all these kinds of f_cking schemes?

    Whoever suggested Coes should be this and that ought to be shut?

  5. One afternoon a teacher gives her class a homework assignment to go home and have their parents tell them a story with a moral.
    The next morning the teacher stands in front of the class and asks, “would anyone like to share the story from their homework?”

    25 little hands shoot in the air and the teacher calls on a young boy.

    “Well,” starts the boy, “my family raises chickens, and one time our chicken laid 9 eggs, but when they hatched we only got 8 chicks.”

    “And what was the moral of that story,” asked the teacher.

    “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch!”

    “Very good!” She responded, “who else would like to share their story?”

    This time she called on a girl in the front of the room.

    “We raise chickens too, but we raise them for their eggs,” said the girl. “One time we put our eggs in a basket in the back of our truck to take them to market, but on the way we hit a bump and the basket flew out and all the eggs broke.”

    “What was the moral there?”

    “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!”

  6. If you are a consumer always judge a product independent of who is selling it.
