Wednesday, June 21, 2023

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 My problem with the Facebook Page.


  1. How their policies brought a lot of heartache to its people?
    A mother was widowed two years ago. My father left her quite a substantial sum of money.
    She has a secondary school education, which mean she could read and write most basics but is technology foggy.
    She is under different doctors' private and subsidies for high blood pressure, eyes, liver problem and occasional dental or other ailments.
    She has no other income. On Mother's Day, her birthday or CNY, she would receive some money from her 2 working married children. One is still in college' After two years, she could see her money dwindling although with bank interest.

    The family and relatives came with their heads together and came up with the idea of her paying cash for a studio apartment and collecting rent which according to its records would be estimated at $4300 a month. Then came the fun of the ABSD calculated at $220,000 excluding stamp duty. The agent came out with the idea of putting it in one of her children's name-the one in college with no name on any property yet. She was wise enough not to be impulsive knowing that when it boils down to money and relations can be implicit. Besides it was not a small amount of money. Because it would be in one child's name, the other two felt preferential treatment on one. Things became so divisive that one did not want to talk to the other and block them in phone calls.

    At the end of it all the poor lady who just wanted some income for her medical whilst retaining the value of her money what she could think she possibly could achieve was only a dream. In America, there is a word saying, 'American Dream.' Here people call 'Dream Singapore' A vast majority will rubber stamp the high ABSD as only a small population are able to own a second property due to strict bank borrowings. Sour grape's endorsement - if I can't have it so you cant. Besides ABSD business goes to the country which in turn goes to the people. Nobody can argue that.

    Whilst all agree that property prices should not go up uncontrollably, is this the best and only way?

  2. Locksmith appointment to fix broken front door handle. After sending him pictures of the model was given a quotation.

    ( I no casless. I no take cheque. Cash hor.)

    Wat is happening to a cashless society?

  3. Having 4 children myself it was heartbreaking to read about how a family of 6 who was desperate paid $1.5M for a 4 bedroom with a remaining lease of 50 years for space.
    Good government?

  4. The prettiest smiles😍 hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes👀 have cried the most

    tears😭 and the kindest hearts❤️ have felt the most pain💟.

  5. I Also Heard That Developers Are Planning A Conjoined-Twins Kind Of Housing For A Small Handful Who Needs Housing For Extended Families Living Near To Each Other By Escaping ABSD. The More Rules They Put Out, The Circumvention Just Keep Increasing.

  6. It has become appallingly obvious that technology has exceeded our humanity.
