Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Presidential election, 2023

 Previously, a private sector candidate for presidential election has to meet the requirement (3 years as CEO of a large company) within 15 years prior to the writ of election.

I do not qualify because I have passed 15 years since my service as CEO of NTUC Income.
For some strange reason (which I do not know why) this has now been changed to 20 years. By this new criteria, I would have qualified.
Is someone playing tricks on TKL? Hehehe.
I think Tan Cheng Bock would also qualify. So, I will give way to him.
I also think that Lee Hsien Yang will apply also, although many people think that the selection committee will reject him. (I don't think that they will).
A few people have asked me to join in, in case all the other candidates, including George Goh, are disqualified.
I think that there will be a contest, as the PAP does not want a walkover.
I have no interest in participating in this presidential election for personal reasons.
I hope that one of the alternative candidates will qualify and give a strong competition to the PAP endorsed candidate.
Tan Kin Lian


  1. Did the Presidents of Indonesia, China, Korea, Russia so on and forth speak good English? Some have interpreters.

  2. I don't care about who is the president.
    My only concern is as long as my family is doing well that is all that matters. Tio bo?

  3. My colleagues lamented the same thing: - Whoever is president is not going to make any difference in my life. One is fighting cancer and she said my life is the centre now.
