Tuesday, June 13, 2023

WOTC - Presidential election

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 47% of respondents expect that there will only be 1 candidate for the presidential election. 40% expect that there will be a contest but the PAP sponsored candidate will win.



  1. Will the people decide to break the mould for new faces or are they just content with the same people doing the same things with known results❔❔❔

    It cannot be a race factor as some might know his spouse and kids are of a different race.

    The positive thing is that if a non-affiliated PAP get voted in, they might in future decide not to tweak the rules to their own advantage, knowing that it had backfired❔❔❔

    Whatever the outcome we should give our thanks and appreciation that one gives up a lot to be a public figure.

  2. Still, we cannot deny that there would be less than 8% of rebel votes. Even if it means another Leong Mun Wai alike as a competitor ughhh.

  3. I won't be voting for him as I think he is a nice guy and I want to save him from the

    'no muscle against a mob' kind of president. Apparently, no one has succeeded in

    achieving what they went in for, so what makes us think this solo individual can stop a

    pull off from 'heist' against our reserves. All they have to do is use their bombastic kind

    of words to step on him.

  4. Independent candidate means- not biting the hand that feeds you for 20 years❓

  5. Asian billionaires who found success despite very little education:

    1)1. Li Ka-Shing, (88) Worth: US$30 billion
    Dropped out of school at 12 when his father died.
    Asia's richest man is known as "Superman" in Hong Kong for his business acumen.

    2). Sam Goi, (68) Worth: US$2.2 billion. Education: Dropped out of school at 19.
    Better known as the "Popiah King" for his famous frozen packaged popiah rolls.
