Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Collapse of road leading to Forest City


1 comment:

  1. Give weight to the candidate on past performances and not too much on interviews.

    Be wary of those who think they are faultless, are correct in all they do, and are experts who try to be too clever.

    Once upon a time, there was this family who are intelligent, filthy rich where money can buy most outcomes, highly educated, affluent upscale people with foxes complex thinkers. Sadly they fail to recognise and predict their very own circumstances and failed prediction errors.

    1) Lee Kuan Yew: Know about big things, and have a good theory about the world. In spite of all his confident forecasts, he left behind a will that broke up his family.

    2) Lee Hsien Loong: Failed to save his first wife from depression and suicide.

    3) Lee Hsien Yang: Failed to cover up his sinful track of trying to overturn
    his father's will. It was unthinkable that someone his status who had everything tried such an unthinkable act.

    4) Lee Suet Fern: A high-flying lawyer who is an accomplice to her husband's heinous act.

    5) Lee Wei Ling: Conceiting and trying to profit from her father's land by influencing their father to demolish the historic house. A highly rated doctor whose own health is in question?

    All these controversial are from what kind of people? What chances have the ordinary folks know?
