Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Giving a view on another person's writing


  1. You are very authentic as you do not hide your identity, not like some cowards here who put

    out litters and self-gain using anonymous. While some may not agree with self-promoted

    opinions, you wrote without fear or favour and you always ended with *this is only my

    opinion*. It wasn't like you force it down on others about what should be right. Some just

    have a job to do with their write out but that does not mean we have to agree. There are

    always different ways to look at things and theirs is not the only way?

  2. Anwar is not doing the best job, but he is doing a good job albeit his past.
    He is the only sincere Prime Minister trying to eradicate corruption albeit doing it for the wrong reasons. Reasons for striking back at those who he thought wronged him in his past.
    He spearheads investigations if something is not right in the news. Over here they come out and give defensive replies or turn a blind eye hoping that it would go away.
    He possesses very quick reflexes when answering questions from reporters seldom dependable on scripts. His answers normally make sense.
    Sometimes if we take chances taking risks for change, we never know the good that we may miss.

  3. two from workers party lied, commit perjury and kept the truth which led to police wasting time combing through the story of rk only coi under tong

    two from pap kenna probe from cpib and a senior minister
    which one more jialat
