Sunday, August 13, 2023

How to cope with rising health care cost


  1. For Donkey's years, outsiders have been accusing Singapore of accepting money laundering? The island has always denied it?


  2. Priorities will be given to only family units. Sorry, not enough land [sigh* Ridout] even if one is born here to Singaporean parents. BTOS are not a Singaporean's right but a privilege. Foreigners who turn to Singaporeans families have a right to BTOS.

    Soon new regulations - Singles can only entitle to only use certain hospitals and certain beds.

    Single mothers' or fathers' children can only attend lousy schools.

  3. Whichever Way We Turned To Look And Read, Things Are Not Looking Good.

    How Long Have Child Abuse, Corruption, Dirty Money In Banks, Affairs So Forth,

    Fake Circulation Numbers, Cover-Up And Lying In Parliament And Under Oath So Forth?

    730 Km² In Area With A Population Of 5.8 Million All Just Shows A Lack Of Good Work. Are

    People And Organizations Becoming More Fearless?


  4. We voted for PM Lee's Ripened-Pineapple[菠萝🍍] colored shirt. Thanks for the advertisement.

  5. Tharman can this, Tharman can that. Tharman can perform miracles. Those last 8 Presidents and
    3 Prime Ministers cannot. For the last how many years in politics had Tharman can stop the last election from dropping to 61.24%? All of a sudden there is a god and the country will turn around and a life saver. Sia suay.
    He can wave a magic wand and our cost of living will be free. PAP might be able to secure 100% votes.

    Last week while on Spectrum cruise in Singapore, it appears that half the passengers were from China. This Indonesian staff was going round with brochures promoting paid speciality restaurants from table to table in Windjammer. The ones from large groups who can speak a few words of English told her angrily that if she don't speak Chinese to stop bothering them.

  6. My parents bought their 5 room point-block for $40k 42 years ago.

    They paid by cash and CPF. My father said that his salary was $600 at that time and that my mother was extremely frugal to save up the money.


  7. Highest suicide deaths in 2022 averaging 4 a month in a population of 5.7 million.

    Last week whilst on a 5-night cruise on the Royal Caribbean ship, we had conversations with real people from different countries and what came out of their mouths. It was interesting to hear differing, honest and without biases/skewed towards favoritisms. Views were evenly spread.

    100% agreed that while travelling the world, they have not come across a country[Singapore] that is exceptionally clean other than Japan. 7/8 agreed that they feel safe walking the streets despite not seeing cops patrolling. They cannot say about sleazy areas as they have not patronized them whilst spending a few days before and after the cruise. Some highly educated ones even know that the government is clean but not the politics.
    I told them that no topic is out of bounds as I am not from the government and would not be offended that someone had insulted my country. All individuals agreed that it is an expensive rat race country and bad drivers considering there were only in a few taxi trips. How do they derive that the population lives in small and expensive homes? Asking them if they had a choice between living here and their own country all[not indicative opinion of the world] replied they would not live here citing the slower pace of life and spacious homes in their land and not forgetting costs.
    In every country, there will always be people who leave and arrive. I know of friends and colleagues some of whom had applied for PRs here twice and my countrymen who had tried Melbourne and New Zealand unsuccessfully!

  8. The joke about why China is having a major real estate crisis.

    Chinese has this joke about Xi Jinping and Emanuel Macron. When the French President visited China, Xi Jinping asked him, "What is the average monthly salary in your country?"
    Macron replied, "6,000 euros." Xi asked again, "And the rent?" Macron replied "1,000 euros." Xi asked, "And what do people do with the remaining 5,000 euros?" Macron said, "That's none of our business."

    Macron asked Xi, "What is the average monthly salary in your country?" Xi replied, "¥5000RMP" Macron asked Xi again, "And the mortgage?" Xi replied "¥10,000RMP." Macron asked, "What do the people do with the difference of
    ¥5000RMP?" Xi Jinping replied, "Thats none of my business."

  9. Singaporeans love durians. But did you know that Mr Lee Kuan Yew once likened Singapore to the durian for its thorny outside and rich inside?

    On Singapore being kicked out of Malaysia, Mr Lee Kuan Yew said in September 1965:

    Some people think that just because we are a small place, they can put the screws on us. It is not so easy. We are a small place in size, and geography. But in the quality of the men, the administration, the organisation, the mettle in a people, the fibre - therefore, don't try. That is why we got booted out.

    If they could have just squeezed us like an orange and squeezed the juice out, I think the juice would have been squeezed out of us, and all the goodness would have been sucked away. But it was a bit harder, wasn't it? It was more like the durian.

    You try and squeeze it, your hand gets hurt. And so they say, "Right, throw out the durian."

    But inside the durian is a very useful ingredient, high protein. And
    we will progress.

  10. A big thank you to CNA for the snippets on the extra special late Lee Kuan Yew.

    He is the one and only worth our tears. Our hearts have been broken.

  11. Good leadership improves individual lives.

  12. Enthusiastic speech and a regression in participation. Going between the 2 Indians of Iswaran and Pritam Singh, parliament suspension cannot just choose who to suspend as both are untrustworthy!

  13. Why and how an American citizen (formally KL Chinese) family amortization move from Seattle
    to live here. A professional working for a high-tech industry was transferred here.

    Apparently, they found it super cheap with public transport (clean efficient MRT and buses) but not for private car hires. Cheap live-in help cannot be found anywhere else in the world other than Hong Kong and Canada.

    Sold their multi-family home in Seattle and bought a 4-bedroom, 4-bath in Bukit Timah (US dollar exchange rate beneficial to $SGD).

    The salary was paid in US currency and the family is vegetarian, therefore the cost of living was not a problem.

    How many Singaporeans can afford such a lifestyle?

  14. Property complexes comprising PRs and foreign owners cannot undergo enbloc as they may have difficulty repurchasing.

  15. When it comes to collecting money they can never lose one.
    All those who used the children's name to avoid ABSD must be shitting in their pants.
    All those rich ministers already owned multiple properties, so ABSD is filling coffers.
    If they are really serious about pricing climbing, finances could be tightened.
    No money no talk one.

  16. If the judge sided with the man and said that using the son's name was to avoid ABSD, would he still have a job tomorrow?

  17. Xi and the Chinese Farmer

    Xi Jinping, the president of China, went to Guangxi and spoke with the governor about the fine and loyal people of China.

    The governor: "Fine people sure. Loyal? I don't know."

    Xi: "I will show you. Hey you! Come here! What do you do?" Farmer: "I'm a farmer."

    Xi: Let me ask you, if you had two houses, would you give one to the government? Without hesitation the farmer says yes.

    Xi turns to the governor with a smile. But he does not look convinced.

    Xi asks the farmer: "if you had two cars, would you give one to the government?"

    Immediate yes from the farmer.

    The governor then asks if he may asks a question. Xi agrees.

    Governor: "if you had two cows, would you give one to the government."

    Farmer: "No. Never. Please don't ask me that." Xi is confused: "But you'd give a house and car, why not a cow?"

    Farmer: "I actually have two cows."

  18. Former government: Refrain from putting up additional taxes to preempt rising costs. They don't have to look for ways to spoon-feed every individual. Good and cheap opportunities are there to use.

    Present government: Leverage on giving handouts and raising taxes, revenues and levies to find never solutions to answers. Low birthrates balance by replenishing with imports. Housing heartaches recklessly top up more rules to penalise mankind as the bottom line.

    Is this what we call true leadership? When LKY was alive, people never really appreciated the pure goodness till we can compare what we have now!

  19. Rules Of Live:-

    * Either we control our lives or it controls us.
    *No matter how badly your heart is broken, the world does not stop for your grief.
    *Credentials do not make who you are.
    *Making a living, is not the same as making a life.
    *The moment a child is born, the Mother is also born.
    *Pandora's boxes are easy to open, but hard to close.

  20. Correcting and remedying the root cause of symptoms is by the same party who created them.

  21. Businesses and individuals don't become rich by being honest.

    Honesty can only attain greatness and satisfaction by service.

  22. The figure [5.92M] population does not include 'transient' people which are probably in the region of half a Million+ daily??? This little red dot is way overpopulated.

    ??? people per Km2!!!

  23. (❤️$$$❤️)(❤️$$$❤️)

  24. By Neil Gough
    May 12, 2017 “Singapore is the new Switzerland,” said Andy Xie, an independent economist based in Shanghai. Mr. Xie was fired as chief Asia economist at Morgan Stanley in 2006 after a private email he wrote calling Singapore a money laundering center became public.

    The Monetary Authority of Singapore, its top financial regulator, disputed that allegation. “There is no doubt some increased risk of illicit fund flows associated with the rapid growth of private banking flows into Singapore,” a spokeswoman said in a written statement. Nevertheless, she said, Singapore “will not tolerate its financial system being used as a refuge or conduit for illicit fund flows.”

  25. Malaysia Boleh:
    Just underwent an overhaul with new stalls.
    A customer who was allergic to caffeine ordered a drink which stated 'iced lychee'.
    He saw the man behind the counter turn on the tap from a big metal pot with the words 'black tea' into the lychee glass.

    What you see and read is not what you get:
    Customer: What tea is that? I am allergic to caffeine.
    Worker: But this one you order one.
    Customer: Ya but the words say 'iced lychee'?

    A picture paints a thousand words:
    Worker: You never see the lychee drink picture is black in colour one.

  26. SCDF investigate over NSF's Edward Go death in Henderson Road blaze.

    1) Fought alone.

    2) Insufficient oxygen in the tank where he suffocated?

    3) Under 20 years of age, how many years of fire-fighting experience do you have to be in the front line?

    “[Scapegoating] blames societal ills on the groups with the least power and the least say in how the country operates while allowing the larger framework and those who control and reap the dividends of these divisions to go unchecked.”
    ― Isabel Wilkerson

  27. Once PM Lee takes a back seat, it looks like more will even get away with murder!

  28. Defensive Answers Can Undermine Your Leadership

    It is only natural for humans to feel defensive.

    Your actions and words are constantly being watched and emulated, be aware that you’re not only undermining your own leadership but also potentially harming people with your bad example.

    [“Once you are defensive in your answer. Just know there is the truth in the question you have been asked, or there is truth in what they are saying to you.”
    ― De philosopher DJ Kyos]

  29. Best countries for quality of life were scored across metrics:

    *A Good Job Market
    *Economically Stable
    *Family Friendly
    *Income Equality
    *Politically Stable
    *Well-developed Public Health System
    Well-developed Public Education System

    10 best countries in the world for quality of life.

    Sweden (1)

    Norway (2)

    Canada (3)

    Denmark (4)

    Finland (5)

    Switzerland (6)

    Netherlands (7)

    Australia (8)

    Germany (9)

    New Zealand (10)

    Norway’s life expectancy at birth is 82.75 years and since 2013, it has ranked in the top 10 of the world’s happiest countries on the World Happiness Report.

    Canada outperforms the average in income, jobs, education, health, environmental quality, social connections, and life satisfaction, according to the OECD’s Better Life Index.

    No. 1 country for quality of life: Sweden
    Sweden is the best country in the world for affordability, safety and more.

  30. My mother and father went for the 6 Covid inject.

    They said the welcome the sincerity the efficient the staff is very super good.

    My mother and father is happy.

  31. 𝗕𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗺𝘀

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