Tuesday, August 01, 2023

 Make life better for Singaporeans.



  1. The only genuine Santa Clauses this country had were the 1G. All after that is just talk and promises and waiting for miracles to happen.
    Painful to watch Pritam, he was very hypocritical the questions he asked were directed at himself of Raeesh Khan, Lean & Nicole. Poor chap.

  2. I will be voting against them for the fact that I hate all their housing policies. Just because they have failed in getting cheap housing for first timers which has nothing to do with us, we are all being penalized for their inadequacy in providing cheap housing for the first timers. To please those people which they have failed, they put the blame on foreigners by keeping increasing the ABSD. Foreigners only make up a small percentage of buyers. They are
    already excluded from purchasing government and landed housing.
    As with all these parliament 'wuliao' dramas, not a lot of people are interested in their rehashing.

  3. No country is perfect.

    Singapore is no exception!!!!!

  4. Vikram Nair eventually pushed him into the corner and lay bare his leadership incompetence.

    This gives the public what they deserve to know the perception of opposition is not just about being a good excellent debater.

    Raeesah Khan, Nathan, Loh Pie Ying, Leon & his driver are all wrongdoers. Only he is flawless! Kia Si Lang.

    Good job Vikram. Next law minister?

  5. Leon out. Pritam is on his way out (perjury is serious) Most probably Paul Tambi might come in.

  6. What kind of a number of talented and good people e.g. Teoh Kar Hoa and many others who have left and taken citizenship overseas, whereby there is little or no choice but to attract mediocre China, Indian and Malaysians to this island? Lives, socially and physically are degenerating for its citizens more so on the roads.

  7. It is one thing to assert that when there are only 3.5 million Singapore Citizens. 35 great talent individuals leave for good annually lies a great problem?

  8. A big mistake in compromising to only 2-room flats for singles would further worsen the situation in Singapore's birth rates❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕

  9. Apprehended the big dirty money criminals to make examples to those middle and small


  10. Those days life was hard but simple and less stressful.

  11. We went back to visit my mother yesterday. She told us about their women's small talk outside terrace house gates when she went out to discard the garbage.
    Her neighbour told her that she voted against Kok Song because when she die, she did not want her husband to bring home a new young woman younger than her children also when assets were a concern. When choosing between devils, what do you do?
    My mother is 73 and she has a long list of health problems. She can relate that 75 is a no no for president. Off course you choose a 66 years, not because you like them. Power and money can create 70% winnings. If we have an educated younger person with a wholesome family, things would have turn out so drastically different!

  12. Wut choices have one got when you voting the lesser of 3 evils?


  13. Highest suicide deaths in 2022 averaging 4 a month in a population of 5.7 million.

    Last week whilst on a 5-night cruise on the Royal Caribbean ship, we had conversations with real people from different countries and what came out of their mouths. It was interesting to hear differing, honest and without biases/skewed towards favoritisms. Views were evenly spread.

    100% agreed that while travelling the world, they have not come across a country[Singapore] that is exceptionally clean other than Japan. 7/8 agreed that they feel safe walking the streets despite not seeing cops patrolling. They cannot say about sleazy areas as they have not patronized them whilst spending a few days before and after the cruise. Some highly educated ones even know that the government is clean but not the politics.
    I told them that no topic is out of bounds as I am not from the government and would not be offended that someone had insulted my country. All individuals agreed that it is an expensive rat race country and bad drivers considering there were only in a few taxi trips. How do they derive that the population lives in small and expensive homes? Asking them if they had a choice between living here and their own country all[not indicative opinion of the world] replied they would not live here citing the slower pace of life and spacious homes in their land and not forgetting costs.
    In every country, there will always be people who leave and arrive. I know of friends and colleagues some of whom had applied for PRs here twice and my countrymen who had tried Melbourne and New Zealand unsuccessfully!

  14. Puppet And Robotic Regime

  15. Leaders who try to maintain a facade cannot build authentic relationships.

    In other words they must be the real deal. Some leaders are naturally gifted with people (Tharman).

    There is a fine line between manipulating the people and giving them the space and choices to better their lives.

  16. Why I say no to having children. It is just not wise to put them in a backdrop, where suicides, white collar & physical crimes, limited choices in housing, the cat chasing its own tail kinda life whether in education or monetary gains and most of all the never-ending stress. Leisurely and gradually, this place has become difficult to be alive. If not for social media, there would even be more increased of cover-ups.

    Trust your Gut
    Don't cover your Butt
    Do what is Right
    Not who you can fight

  17. The weight of Lee Kuan Yew's words👄.
    My mother🤶 has been buying durians for the family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦.
    According to her, Lee Kuan Yew had commented the fruits have high protein👍.

  18. Some people need to realized that when you are ugly no matter how much wealth you hang

    on your body, you are still ugly. This one Rosmah Manoh said one.

  19. 1st class infrastructures with 3rd class human behaviors or

    1st class human behaviors with 3rd class infrastructures?

  20. Politicians Money Or People's Money??

    A politician is walking home late at night.

    As he turns the corner, he is stopped by a mugger who shouts, “Give me all your money!”.

    The politician replies, “Watch yourself, you don’t know who you’re talking to; I am an important politician”.

    The mugger says, “Oh sorry, give me back all MY money.”

  21. There are only 3.7 million Singaporeans on this planet.

    If not careful it could easily be extinct.

  22. Fortunately, did not put my faith in the expert's championing going ca$hle$$. My DBS and Citi card were worthless for a few hours today. At all times, I have ca$h. in my wallet. We never know when we urgently need to have a back-up.

  23. Was with my partner at NTUC Supermart yesterday when announcements were made on loudspeakers that the DBS card payment was down and that payments were to be made in cash. We went through how much cash we had between us, before calculating how much we could buy.

  24. Feel the pain of those pitiful souls who lost their lives on the roads daily not those sorry asses who cannot afford a car. They are too sorry for themselves for a little inconvenience. Taking public transport has its upsides, being driven as an alternative the stress of driving.
    The maintenance, car park charges, insurance and road tax. It is not just about buying a car.
    Too spoilt for their own good. Either we keep our roads free from congestion or if you want a car you pay. No two ways about it.

  25. Batteries in cars that used to last 30 months now only have a lifespan of 18 months due to more auto gadgets.
    Key batteries needed to be changed frequently. They seldom manually open car doors.
    Petrol does not come cheap.
    Car is now super expensive to own.
