Monday, November 20, 2023

Allocation of COEs

 Is there an alternative to the COE system practiced in Singapore?

We can study the practice in the major cities in China.


  1. There is a joke amongst friends that refugees and asylum seekers had it easy in emigration to Australia.
    Some of my friends tried emigration to Melbourne but were unsuccessful.

  2. Harsh truths about life:

    Accept it! You cannot always give your 100%: Only one on this planet and that is LKY.

    Everyone is going to die. Death is inevitable. Don't make a mountain out of molehill.

    Perfect doesn't exist. There is no one person who is perfect for us in all ways.

    Life is a game. It is up to us how we play it.

    Be a realist. Don’t complain about your problems without lifting a finger to fix them yourself.
