Thursday, November 09, 2023

Allow president to serve international organizations

 I give my view on the proposed change to the constitution to allow the president to serve in foreign and international organizations in his private capacities.


  1. Why keep harping about some advanced countries where income taxes are high compared to Singapore?
    In these countries, education, and medical are almost free and retirees are given a pension. Sure, the waiting time is long for hospital visits, but they are only for non-emergency cases.
    Over here, in some subsidy cases, the waiting time can be long as well. Have you ever tried the A&E waiting time here? Unless you are delivered in an ambulance, waiting time can stretch up to 4 hours.
    Most own homes here. In those countries, people have big options to rent where some places are rent-controlled. If one is not fussy about living a little further from the city, weekly rentals can cost as low as $200 a week for a 1000 sq. ft house. People have the option to use their money for other purposes such as investing in stocks.
    Sorry I cannot openly say all these, I will be told to go home, which eventually I will. Ciao.

  2. Since he announced he would be taking a back seat, he's starting to look a little healthy again. Jia Yu PM Lee.
