Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Anonymous profiles in social media

 Anonymous profiles in social media can be used to spread hatred, malice, falsehood and harm. It has to be controlled.


  1. Leaders or public people may be subjected to negative situations. Maintaining your strength requires being thick-skinned and not letting it bring you down.

    •Whoever tries to bring you down is already low.

    •Be the hero and not allow someone's OPINION of you. It is a dog-eat-dog world.

    •People are bolder when they don't have an identity online.

    •The most of trolling was sadism. We cannot control sick people.

    PAP did not devise POFMA for play. It makes them look thin-skinned, defensive and unmanly.

    However, the only person you know directly what you are going to get (sue till you are bankrupt) is LKY, One thing to consider is that you know you won't be bundled in a car driven far out into a jungle and be blown up by dynamites in the jungle.

  2. While there is some degree of Anonymous spread hatred, malice, falsehood and harm. It has to be controlled.

    You'd be surprised that some Anonymous ( to prevent personal harassment) used online to spread some truth in what was being said or being told to us using "their" paparazzi or media.

    To a greater extent today, more so when you only have one truth, one answer and one right, we need Anonymous's added truth, added answers and more than one right.

    We must not allow only "their" truth.

    I cannot remember where I heard this from. One politician was asked about self-clearing and the tray which has now led to a domino effect on the cleanliness. Of course, we hear the "always right" standard reply. Recently I visited a hawker center after paying a visit to a friend living nearby. I was shocked at the sight of the hygiene of the whole place. The tables were covered in sauces. The floors were littered with cigarette buds and tissues.
    At the tray stations were flocks of crows. I thought I was in a third-world country. Mind you not all hawker places are disgusting to eat.

  3. The elderly and the budget-conscious tend to eat at hawker centres. Don't expect them to pay for wet tissues every time they eat their food there. It all adds up for them to clean the table. Dry tissues are not doing any good even if they have to use it. Sometimes if things are not broken, don't change it.

  4. Food Republic @ Changi Airport and Vivo ( mostly tourists on their way to Sentosa) are always being chased to clear their plates. They do have cleaners with a wet cloth to clean the table as they do not expect all tourists to carry cleaning wet wipes with them.

  5. Leaders' Speeches and Answers- When they go overboard with the superlatives and are overused.
    actual meanings are destroyed. Things begin to sound generic and people lose interest in hearing or reading whether it is in Parliament or the media.

    What distinguishes Quek Leng Beng (one of the few) whom I read from his interview with Sumiko from the beginning to the end was a regular person who is truthful and sincere and does not sound like corporate jargon. I even read it twice. As for others, I flip the pages.

    The other engaging (straight from on the ground horse's mouth) worth reading are the raw and authentic Forum Writers who are specific and accurate in their views of what is actually happening on the ground e.g. the DBS saga.

    Give trust so as to earn trust.
