Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Furnishing a 3 bedroom apartment in Forest City

 I furnished my 3 bedroom apartment in Forest City for less than $12,000 SGD.


  1. Presuming that a Lee Kuan Yew is in charge of that country and the flexibility of visas, more than half of the people here would be living there!

  2. Education Minister on giving the space for children to grow?

    One of my sister's family who has 3 children migrated to Perth but did not give up her house here which was rented out. Teachers kept emailing her that either her children were sleepy in class or not doing their homework till home became a battlefield.

    Another friend had to go to school to confront a teacher in a now-defunct JC, when a teacher had her child pasted in the front and back of the uniform after school with the words *I always did not do my homework* and got the student to mop the school with a mop and bucket to humiliate publicly. The parents said that this is not the way to punish a child. This we only hear from the parent's side. At their wits end the parents brought the child to a psychiatrist and discovered that the student had mild ADHD.

    We personally hear of parents who think that the school owes them a living, some schools also abuse their positions. Singapore is one of the countries that spend extremely huge sums on tuition and we get where we are by being top in MATHS, Science and Reading and memorising. I was once a student of the education here and I admit that I memorise word for word for the exams. You don't get where you are by keeping to the rules. When it comes to Q&A for the pageants, how well did we fare? The only Asian country that came close was the Philippines, but even then the 3 contestants had mixed Western blood.

    Minister CCS was correct in what he was saying, but there are always 2 sides to everthing.
