Monday, January 08, 2024

Review of education system

 We should adopt a new approach in our review of the education system.


  1. Car mechanics seldom go to school to learn about cars and how they work.
    They learn through working with their hands.
    Would you rather send your car to someone who learned about cars through school books or someone through years of using hands, eyes and ears of physical learning?
    When I send my car to the workshop, I just plainly describe the problem and before I complete my sentence, they already know what the cause might be, and they are usually very spot on.
    Generic and going the standardised roundabout of book artificial replies were very prevalent in today's unnatural society on those whose schooling thought them defensive replies.

    While I may not agree with some of Mr. TKL's views, I wholeheartedly thought this piece of opinion was brilliant.

  2. 2 Asian-looking men started a conversation in a lift with many people.

    First man: Where are you from?
    Second man: Vancouver. He joked a lot during his conversation.

    First man: Where are you originally from?
    Second man: My ancestors were originally from Hong Kong.

    First man: What is your job?
    Second man: Looked startled that someone asking such a direct and personal question finds it intruding: Oh my in-laws are rich. I am living off them.

    Guess where the first man came from? Typical of sizing up someone by their occupation.
    The second man is quick in his reply sarcastically without books.

  3. To avoid the endless churn of exam smarts to come out ahead of the pack, should we just have "real exams" separately for those who are applying to university courses for-

    1. doctors

    2. engineers

    3. architects

    4. accountants

    5. counselors?

    To be sure of bona fide talents( which have never been discovered) should we look beyond just grades?

    During school holidays, it is not unusual to see mothers taking out assessment books and pencils which they have carried in their bags for their kids while they go order food at eating places. Children were eating and practicing drillings on how to score in exams.

  4. Right now, despite Anwar's flaws in his personal private sex life, that is no logical connection that he is not good at what he is doing as Malaysia's PM. Going on to 76 his stamina, reflexes, love of his job plus the mess he acquired needs a man of steel to stand.
    Those who are honestly good at what they are doing should not resign over personal private affairs. Those who should resign are the ones who only know how to lie their way into their job accompanied by their high credentials.

  5. Philip Yeo was an arrogant little prick but the amount of outside money flowing in was immense to the economy.
    The government was wasting its time fixing him.

  6. ONE of the requisites to cross the threshold into Princeton, Standford, Harvard, Yale, Oxford Cambridge is exam results. It is an indication that you are able to learn from books.
