Sunday, February 04, 2024

Communist system

 I explain the communist system and why I prefer this system to liberal democracy.


  1. Unfortunately, in many countries, the number of convictions for money laundering, drug trafficking and corruption are minuscule in comparison to the magnitude of the problem.

    It is an undeniable fact that they need to show that they are doing their job?

  2. Loa Tze;

    He understands that the universe
    is forever out of control
    and trying to dominate events
    goes against the current of the Tao.
    Because he believes in himself
    he doesn't try to convince others.
    Because he is content with himself,
    he doesn't need others' approval.
    Because he accepts himself,
    the world accepts him.

  3. Essential responsibility in public spending wisely and ensures that the government uses the money for the intent purpose, ensuring that the funds address the most pressing needs of their citizens.
    It is a no-no for those greedy and spoilt individuals. People are sick of the high GST to supplement those who just keep wanting for their own personal benefit and pleasure!
