Sunday, May 12, 2024

High tax rates

 I prefer a country to have high tax rates, so that the public services can be provided for free or at low cost.


  1. In Australia, public hospital healthcare is available to all Australian citizens and most Permanent Residents for free.

    But you have the option to select your doctor and choose how to be treated either in a private or public hospital if you decide to pay either by insurance your company or self.

  2. Most countries offer free education in public schools, but students are responsible for

    purchasing their own books, uniforms, and other miscellaneous items..

  3. False advertisements are on the rise. A lychee drink showing a price of $4.80 at a food court with a picture. Took out $5 to pay but was told that it cost $5.80. I asked why the price difference but was told that the price had gone up, the machine was updated to the new price, but the picture was not. They could just put a tape to cover the old price and scroll the new price. Misrepresentation. Businesses are struggling?

  4. If Singapore goes down everyone loses, except for the foreigners who have options and that is they go home.

  5. Alexandra Hospital is good.

    Visited the 24 hour clinic.

    The atmosphere was relaxing. Searching for car-parks was not hard.

    The staff is were humble and the young doctor addressed me as "sir" because I was older than him. Last time mana got such a thing. Off course I was embarresed. A flat fee of $125 pow ka liow.

    Next day got text a number to call for anything and it starts with 8 so must be a mobile number. A highly recomended place.

  6. Will allowing the best-performing candidates who lost to enter parliament be discontinued in the upcoming general election??? Highly possible.

    Will the displaying of sgp flags by private in housing blocks become even more potentially botak or the other way around at national day, now that pee am has changed??? Likely remain the same.


  7. The traditional school system often doesn't adequately prepare young people for real life, lives involve strictly following instructions and seeking approval from others. This might be why many students who excel in school struggle in their adult lives.

    Be frugal, save more, and reduce debt.

    Before forming an opinion, consider whether you have the knowledge and experience to do so. Generating opinions is easy, which is why there are so many bad ones. The most problematic situation is believing you know something when you actually don't.

  8. As a result of more foreign citizens on this SIA plane, the investigations will be trustworthy and there will be no cover-up. Because countries need to protect their own citizens, they wouldn't dare to make up fairy tales!

  9. The maximum fine for workplace safety breaches will be raised from $20,000 to $50,000 from that date, said MOM on May 27.

    Is SCDF immunity being granted or are they just finding scapegoats? We are all aware that safety has been compromised in many places due to cost-cutting and taking shortcuts, some due to the need for survival at an affordable price, while others due to greed for obscene profits.

  10. Complaining about petty things does not help. People see you as weak, calculative and have a low tolerance level. This country consists of such people as common.

  11. Singapore: Man sues surgeon after procedure at Gleneagles allegedly left him paralyzed; hospital sues him over S$1m bill.


    SIA backbone injuries in Bangkok Hospital.

  12. Chicken ➤ Egg ➤ Chicken ➤ Chicken ➤ Egg Egg Egg.

    After 8 tries of bidding, have decided to top up $14K for guaranteed COE.

    After securing the COE, the car dealer said the model ran out. The next stock would arrive in early October 2024.

  13. When paying or topping up to the people they put the highest amount wording 'up to.'

    When collecting from the people they put the lowest amount 'from'.

  14. When you are an honest and decent person, you tend to condemn the way Taylor Swift's concert was bribed.

    Those who think that there is nothing wrong with the procedure, tend to be crooked themselves and would do anything for money.

    We must not encourage dishonest people as we have enough of them in this supposedly world-class place and it looks like they keep multiplying.

  15. I doubt LTA would put those black and yellow small humps on the side roads to prevent vehicles which do not stop looking left and right before coming out to the main road. Half of them do not even stop. Costs and bothersome could be factors It is something that can be compromised.


  16. Aggressively opinionated individuals are not just annoying but also self-centered.

    The dentist kept insisting that I open my mouth wide several times. The next few days, I couldn't open my mouth because my jaws ached and when chewing.

  17. Do you know how many "STOP" signs inclusive of carparks on this island?

    [I doubt LTA would put those black and yellow small humps on the side roads to prevent vehicles which do not stop looking left and right before coming out to the main road. Half of them do not even stop. Costs and bothersome could be factors It is something that can be compromised.]

  18. Those good-for-nothing at MAS should make it compulsory that telephone hotlines are to be maintained 24 hours. I received a text message stating that something has been ordered under my UOB card and instructing me to call the hotline if I did not make the purchase. I have been attempting to call for 2 days but have been unsuccessful. Meanwhile, when I tried to make a purchase, my card showed as invalid. I reached out on their platform and was informed that it would take 3 working days. I find it repugnant that the emergency hotline is not staffed, especially considering the significant profits and the fucking salaries the CEOS are getting and their status as a financial hub. Will the ambulance hotline be next? Efficiency my ass. As usual profits above service. If its LKY, he would tell those good-for-nothing to buck up or buck out!!!!!!

  19. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.

    Dalai Lama
