Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Living in Johor (from Singapore)

 Some people asked for my views of living in Johor, either after retirement or while working in Singapore.

I give my views here.



  1. It took people a long time to realize that no country is ideal. Only a few people can have the best of both worlds so make the best of it while you can.

  2. At the moment property prices are at their peak.
    COE prices are at their highest.
    The population is at its highest.

  3. Families with children can attend international schools, which costs Ringgit $2000 a month, translating to SGD600 the amount of one month's tuition fees. Looks very easy and hassle-free to stay there, but the real situation is all the red tape and the 10 per cent.

  4. The last time I went to A&E I told them that I was having severe pain in my left side. They told me that possible stones. I was put waiting for more than 2 hours because they claimed that was not life-threatening. The second time I went I cheated saying I was having breathlessness and maybe a heart attack. I was attended to in 30 minutes.
