Saturday, May 28, 2005

Visit Batam for Tranquility

I attended a retreat at Batam View.

On my return, I waited at the ferry terminal. It was slow pace, tranquil and peaceful.

I enjoy the cool breeze, and the rustling of the leaves on the trees. A few people were at the terminal, including the employees and shop attendants. It was a calm.

I will like to visit again, especially during the weekdays, when there is no crowd.


  1. sorry... just asking... Batam Waterfront City and Batam View... are they the same ??

  2. Batam View is a hotel resort and is different from Batam Waterfront City.

  3. Hi Mr Tan

    i work in a govt hospital. Recently one of your Comfort Taxi Drivers saw me and was found to require surgery. He was did not want to schedule a date because he said he needed to pay rental for his cab WHILE BEING HOSPITALISED FOR SURGERY. I wrote a letter to NTUC for him to clarify this and am not sure what the outcome will be. If this is true, don't you think it is unfair to the poor cab driver who is already struggling to pay his medical bills and to make ends meet?

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