Sunday, June 05, 2005

It is stealing

A sushi restaurant installed a system to charge a customer based on the sushi plate that is taken off the conveyor belt. This is captured through a RFID device placed on the plate.

A group of students discuss how to prevent customer from "beating the system" by taking the sushi from the plate, and leaving the plate on the conveyor belt. The system will not be able to detect that the sushi has been removed.

The solution is simple. Put up a sign that say, "Removing the sushi from the plate is considered as stealing".

We should know the difference between stealing and "beating the system".


  1. I had a new employee in the office when we ran out of pens. I was about to go to the office supply store when she said "I have tons of pens from the last place i worked - I'll just go home and get some"

    She didn't even realize that stealing from her past employer was not the way to impress your new employer.

    Some people do not have a moral compass and do not know which way to go.

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  2. Yes, totally agree with Chesty.

    For some strange reason, the moral lines between right and wrong seem to be getting blurred, especially amongst the younger generations. (Being a member of the younger generation myself, I can vouch for this degeneration.)

    Cheating during exams is a common occurrence in school. Unfortunately, some students do not seem to find anything wrong with this. They tend to justify themselves by saying that they 'deserve' to cheat cos the lecturer gave them too short a preparation time, or the exam was too hard etc.

    I wonder how we can improve the moral well-being of our society at large.
