Saturday, September 10, 2005

Digital navigation system a hazard?

Forum Page
Straits Times

I refer to the letter entitled "Digital navigation system a hazard?" by Michael Yeo Khee Hiang (St Times, 10 Sept).

I have tried a few PDA and PC-based navigation systems in my car over the past 12 months.

They are very useful and quite safe to use. All provide clear voice directions and do not require the driver to watch the video screen.

By giving directions earlier, it helps the driver to keep to the correct lane and drive more carefully. It avoids accidents due to unfamiliarity with the roads.

It may take a new user a few days to get used to the system. During the initial period, the problem raised by Michael Yeo could arise. But, the benefit will accrue after that.

I encourage more cars to be installed with the navigation system to promote safe driving.

Tan Kin Lian
(sent in my personal capacity)

1 comment:

  1. I doubt many drivers will be able to afford such a nifty gadget.
