Saturday, September 10, 2005

Pay an adequate hourly rate

I found, to my surprise, that casual workers are paid as low as $3 an hour, for example, at fast food outlets.

If they work for 8 hours a day, they earn only $500 a month. This is too low to make a living. The cost of living is quite high.

I suggest that the minimum wage should be at least $6 an hour. A person working 8 hours a day should earn about $1,000 a month all-in.

Maybe $6 is still inadequate, but it is better than $3.


  1. i totally agree with that! $3 is far too pathetic~

  2. Different perspective i suppose. $3/hr is more than enuff for young kiddyz, it will teach them $$$ is not easily earned.

    Money not enuff!!! Time not enuff!!! Wat's enuff? Trouble, disaster, sufferings... Geekz, im side-tracking... dun ask me, i dunoe.

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