Friday, July 07, 2006

Fly back to Singapore after watching World Cup

I took a economy flight on SIA to Singapore, after watching the World Cup in Germany. The steward recognised and greeted me. He said that his insurance policies are with NTUC Income.

The supervisor came later to introduce himself and said, "Mr Tan, I expected you to be in the first class. How are you enjoying your flight?".

I gave him a smile. I usually fly economy class. I am not prepared to pay 6 times to fly first class. All our managers fly economy class as well.

We keep our expenses low, so that our customers can pay lower premium. They also enjoy a better return on their savings with us.

I introduced Logic9 (aka Sudoku) to the passenger sitting next to me. She is a retired teacher from Munich, Germany. She is travelling in a group tour to Singapore and Bali.

She did not know about the puzzle before. I showed her how to play the puzzle. She became hooked on it. I presented our Logic9 pocketbook to her. She will probably remember me for a long time.

It is so easy to get somone hooked on Logic9. No wonder, it is so popular around the world.

1 comment:

  1. I applaud your thought and belief - something that high ranking officers will usually neglect or even abuse.
