Thursday, July 06, 2006

Village life in Bavaria, Germany

I asked the tour guide. What is a village?

Here is the interesting answer. In a village, there is always a church. The people of Bavaria are religious, mostly Catholics. Sunday is for the church and for rest. No business is done on Sunday.

The village has an inn. It is a place for people to go and drink beer, socialise or to have food. It also has accommodation for travellers.

Quite likely, there is a primary school for the first four years of education. When the students are older, they can go to a secondary school in a larger village nearby.

There is a May pole in the road leading to the village. It shows the shops and trades available in the village, eg baker, butcher, doctor, carpenter, etc. It serves like a "yellow page" directory for the village.

One day of the week is set aside for market day.

The village has many assocaitions, eg a sports association, a fire association, and many others. These associations organise many activities for the villagers to meet regularly. Most young people join the fire assocation to learn about how to put out fire. It is a way to keep them occupied, so they do not get bored and cause trouble.

The social life is interesting in the village. Every one knows about every other person in the village.

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