Saturday, September 09, 2006

I repaired my new car at quality workshop

A customer told me that he faced a delay in the repair of his car. His car was hit from behind by another car insured by Income. The bumper was damaged.

As his car was new, he asked for the bumper to be replaced by the distributor workshop. It took two days for us to negotiate the price.

I told the customer that the distributor workshop normally charged 2 to 3 times of the price of our quality workshop. If he had agreed for his bumper to be replaced by our quality workshop, it would have been done immediately.

Earlier this year, my new car (Mercedes Benz) was involved in a accident at the car park. The door had to be replaced. The driver of the other vehicle agreed to pay for the repair, out of his pocket, as he was careless.

I sent the car (which is still under warranty) for repair at our quality workshop. I helped the other driver to pay a smaller repair bill.

I hope that all customers can help us to reduce the repair bills.

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