Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Both parties give different versions of the accident


Dear Mr Tan,

My parked 2-month old vehicle was badly damaged by a hit-and-run lorry. I wasn’t at the scene as I was working in my office. I was traumatized and greatly despaired to see the state of my car when I returned to it much later.

I managed to find out from a witness, owner of a drink stall just next to the accident scene, that a lorry hit some parked vehicle at the scene.

With the witness’ statement, I made a police report.

I immediately put up notices at the accident scene to seek for witnesses who saw the number plate of lorry driver. I visited the scene every day to gather any information that would help to identify the lorry.

In fact, I came across at least 3 witnesses who witnessed the accident but not the number plate of the culprit. You can imagine the stress that I have gone through. Finally, a witness responded to my notice with the number plate of the culprit.

It happened that the lorry was insured by NTUC Income as I found out through LTA search service. I have since provided the information to the Investigation Officer.

I have also made a claim to NTUC Income against the lorry driver with all the necessary documents, including police report, survey report and contact information of Investigation Officer.

To my horror, your claim officer, replied that her insured claimed ignorance of the accident and that his lorry was not damaged, despite of existence of witnesses!

Your advice and help will be greatly appreciated.




Dear OSH

According to your email, our policyholder denied getting involved in the accident with your car and the police is currently investigating into it.

We hope you understand that we are not able to settle your claim with the present facts. Our policyholder will be very angry with us if we ignore his story and settle your claim.

To expedite matter, I will ask one of our investigator to have a thorough interview with our policyholder and we will see what come out of it.

Eddie Loke

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