Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Is my investment of $62,000 adequate?

Dear Mr Tan

Do you think the Growth Fund is good to invest in long term? Or is Global Equities better?

Recently I bought $62,000 into Growth Fund ( switching some of my Balanced fund and Spore Equity units ) and also topping up with new funds.

I have asked for a withdrawal of $300 monthly for my monthly expenses, as I am a retiree.

Do you think my investments can sustain this withdrawal?



Dear VS

Both the Growth Fund and the Global Equity Fund are suitable.

If you have invested $62,000 and you draw out $300 a month a month, the investment can last you more than 35 years (if you earn an average of 5% p.a.) and nearly 50 years (if you earn an average of 5.5% p.a.). The balance on the money passes to your estate on death (provided that the money does not run out). I think that your invested sum is adequate.

You can ask your adviser to explain more to you.

Tan Kin Lian

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