Friday, October 13, 2006

A new way to get insurance service

Some customers are well served by their insurance advisers who take care of their needs over many years. They enjoy the personal service, advice and attention of the adviser.

Some customers are not so fortunate. Their adviser drops out of the business, and decide to do other types of work. This applies not only to NTUC Income, but to other insurance companies as well.

In fact, the turnover rate of insurance advisers has been quite high over the years, especially among the younger advisers.

NTUC Income offers a new option to our customers.

- You can come to our business center and be served by our salaried consultant
- You can get service from our 24 hour contact center.

You are not tied to a specific adviser. You will be served by our organisation according to our service standard.

More people find this option to tbe quite attractive.

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