Friday, October 13, 2006

Poor follow up by insurance agent

Mr Tan

Many thanks for your birthday greetings.

I have visited your blog after reading the press reports. It is an informative and interesting blog.

Would like to share with you on my experience with your agent that is serving me. He was assigned to me after the initial agent that served me left your organisation. I took several policies with NTUC since 1991 but have not received any form of contact from this agent.

Quite some time ago, I contacted him when I have some queries on the claim forms. He did not help much other than suggested I called the company. I am very disappointed at him.

Not long ago, I bought two policies from a Prudential agent at Standard Chartered Bank, which is a total stranger to me.

I have also seen your Talk at TV program. I appreciate your HARD WORK, GREAT EFFORT in making Insurance more COMPREHENSIVE via TV program .

I hope all your agents appreciate your GREAT WORK and they must work harder not to let your effort goes down to other agency. Hope you keep me posted when you no longer at NTUC.



Dear RW,

Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry that the service from the agent has been disappointing.

I will ask X to contact you and see if he can be of any help in your insurance matters. Alternatively, you can visit our business center at 75 Bras Basah Road and talk to our salaried insuranced consulant.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. I signed a policy with Prudential in 1985 before I got married.

    After that the agent resigned and I was re-assigned to other Pru agents, as far as 5 changes in between.

    Past 21 years, no one from Prudential contacted me too.

    Let's be fair to any agent, if we are not keen to take on any more policy with the new agent, do not expect them to provide service.

    They are not paid afterall, the new agent will only hope for new business, and if one is not prepared to support the new agent taking over, do not be over demanding and the new agent earns nothing.

    I have yet to step into Prudential customer service office to check how my policy fare so far.

    I should do it.

  2. It is better to call the Contact Center of the insurance company to get service and advice. Do not rely on the insurance agent, who may not be available.

    Most insurance companies now provide good contact centers that operate 24 hour, 365 days a year.
