Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Actuary joke - Definition of an actuary?

Someone asked for a joke about the actuary. Here it is:

... An actuary is a person who passes as an expert on the basis of his prolific ability to produce an infinite variety of incomprehensible figures calculated with micrometric precision from the vaguest of assumptions based on debatable evidence from inconclusive data derived by persons of doubtful reliability, for the sole purpose of confusing an already hopelessly befuddled group of persons who never read the statistics anyway.

Explanation: Some actuaries are highly thereotical and get carried away with numbers. I hope that most actuaries are practical, and are able to explain difficult concepts in simple terms.

1 comment:

  1. here are some more...

    What is an actuary?

    An actuary is someone who'd rather be completely wrong than approximately right. An actuary is flexible - he/she is either right, or can prove it to be so. An actuary is someone who expects everyone to be dead on time. An actuary is someone who knows over 250 ways to make love but can't get a date.
