Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Global warming

China is having its most severe winter in many years. The climate in many parts of the world is going through severe changes. I believe that this is caused by global warming.


  1. China is most hit because it is biggest culprit of global warming.
    #1. Chinese people contribute the most CO2 themselves.
    #2. The industries contribute the most CO2
    #3. The cars and vehicles contribute the most CO2
    #4. The rivers and the lakes are most polluted because of money
    #5.There are fewer farm lands devoted to vegetation but to animal farming.
    #6. They are the largest user of fossilized fuel.
    #7. China happens to be the neighbour of another newly industrial nation. But being bigger all eyes are on China.
    Can't blame them, anyway. They happen to be the last to industrialize . The last one always gets the blame.

  2. China is beginning to pay the price of its rampant and incessant pollution. In 2005, looking out of a window overlooking the incessant spewing of smoke from chimneys on a rainy day, I decided I have had enough of the pollution in Shenzhen and felt sad for the continuous pollution, day and night. I now feel for the hundreds of thousands of Chinese people trapped without information in the bitter cold, without basic amenities and not knowing when they can go home. Day and night they stand out inthe open. These are poor migrant workers whose salary is only a few hundred RMB a month, how can they afford even a night stay in a hotel which costs the same as their one month salary? All they had wanted is just to return home to their loved ones in the lunar new year. For those who have worked in China will be able to empathise with these poor exploited workers from the provinces.
    The Chinese government should take up the leadership to cut down drastically on the pollution for the future of planet earth.

  3. to anonymous above: actually USA is the biggest culprit of global warming. they contribute at least 20% of the world atmospheric CO2 emission. china is catching up fast, though.

    and we all share the same atmosphere. becoming the biggest global warming culprit doesn't necessarily translate to being hit the most by global warming.
