Saturday, January 27, 2007

Enjoy lower charges on the Ideal plan

Hi Mr Tan,

I have recently encountered a case on Greatlink (ILP Plan). It seems the insurance charges of $100K is very high. At $100K S/A, the premium on just the insurance charges can go up to $1,819/yr at age 60 based on $250/mth premium.

I recalled one of your reply on Straits Times Forum on "Insurance Time Bomb Sets to Explode".

My client would like to seek your views and opinion on this.

JY (insurance adviser from NTUC Income)


Dear JY

You can send this message to your client.

Dear Client

I advise you to take the Ideal plan from NTUC Income. It is similar to the GreatLink plan that has been recommended to you, but it has much lower charges.

If you read the FAQ on our Ideal plan, you will get a better understanding of the difference (ie much more than $30,000).


I advise you not to be locked into the high mortality charges imposed by many insurance companies on their ILP plan. The charges are too high. It is better to buy your term insurance separately.

For the term assurance, I suggest that you buy the decreasing term assurance, under our i-Term. It provides a large coverage at a very low cost. Details at:


Tan Kin Lian

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