Saturday, January 27, 2007

Which university course should my son take?

Dear Mr Tan,

Appreciate your kind advice on which course should my son takes.

He will be in University next year, and has secured a place for a Double Degree in Engineering and BA. He is still confused and does not really know which course he should take. Can you give some lights and guidance?



Dear T

Frankly, I am not good at providing this type of guidance.

I have three children and they have strong opinions about what they wanted to do (which is diffferent from my opinion). I listened to them, and help them to make up their mind. It seems to work quite well.

Maybe, you can ask your son to send an e-mail to me. I can ask him a few questions and then help him to make his decision. I can also talk to him over the telephone. Will this be helpful?

Tan Kin Lian

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