Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Moral responsibility of a insurance company

Dear Mr Tan,

I read with interest the recent press stories regarding AVIVA's refusal to pay a woman's medical insurance claim on grounds of a "pre-existing condition" despite her being unaware of it.

Sure, one must always carefully read the terms of contract and contract language that is unambigious would leave little room for doubt.

But I cannot agree with AVIVA's clause because THE key motivation for people taking up insurance is to provide financially for the unexpected! AVIVA's clause though precise, leaves little doubt as to its intention.

At least one doctor has written publicly to suggest what constitutes a "pre-existing condition" is a matter of professional opinion, and there may be serious conditions that are latent.

There is a moral responsibility on the part of insurance companies to its policyholders. Insurance companies should not hide behind the veil of a carefully worded contract to avoid paying a claim.

There have been many cases of fraudulent claims but I am certain health insurance is one area few would like to invoke if one had a choice.

Though I have chosen to write to you in your personal capacity, I always regarded NTUC Income (thanks to your stewardship) as being more "responsible" and it is my hope that your successor will continue your good work.

Kind regard.


  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    In posting this letter, you seem to be endorsing what is written. Is it true that Income will really pay for pre-existing condition as long as long as it was not discovered at the point of policy inception?


  2. As I have left NTUC Income, I cannot make any commitment for the future management.

    But, in the reply to the newspaper, NTUC Income would have paid for the claim, if the policyholder was not aware about the pre-existing condition at the time of taking up the insurance policy.

  3. Hi Mr Tan,

    As you would probably be aware, many other insurance companies also claim that they would have paid. Since I hold quite a number of Income policies, what I would like to know if allowing the policyholder to claim if he or she is not aware about the pre-existing condition at the time of taking up the insurance policy has always been the case for Income so far?


  4. NTUC Income adopts a magnanimous approach towards claim settlement. YOu can read their FAQ in about their claim settlement policy.

    I believe that my colleagues will continue this practice, even after I have left NTUC Income.
