Sunday, March 11, 2007

How to promote creativity

Dr Lee Kum Tatt sent this message to me.


Dear Kin Lian

I have finished Part II of the RISIS story in words together with pictures. It is more interesting than just words.

In trying to inspire and benefit others through my philosophy, values and experiences people like to know how I did my "magic" which they can also follow. I believe this is best done through pictures, cartoons and case studies which speak louder than just words alone.

Most scientists, artists and entrepreneurs are considered as mad fellows sometime in their lives. They are considered as creative only long after they succeed in doing what they consider is fun to do.

Most people want to be creative but do not know what to do. Some think they know what to do but they do not want to try because of the risks involved.

Our pragmatic and money minded society do not accept subjective ideas easily. People prefer to play safe with logical arguments backed by figures.

People not in this practice are considered as born losers. The result is that our society will produce more people with the "Kiasu" attitude.

The initiatives of our potential creative and innovative individuals (like the entrepreneurs, technopreneurs, artists and scientists will be stifled unintentionally if not killed in this process. This will be a pity and a threat to our Singapore society of the future.

The question is how do we reverse the present trend? We must create space and opportunities for our creative people to grow. I think we can make a good team together to promote what is good for our country.

Kum Tatt

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