Sunday, March 11, 2007

A new way of marketing

I adopt an unusual approach in marketing. I call it "marketing in stages".

* I send a brief e-mail to the other party. It tells briefly about my idea and why it is exciting.

* A few days later, I send a SMS to announce that I shall be calling at a certain time to talk about a certain topic. This prepares the other party to expect my call.

* I follow up with a telephone call at the indicated time. I can talk about the idea in more detail and get a feel of the other party's thinking

* After the conversation, I follow up with an e-mail that gives more detail, but not too heavy. I ask for a response.

I find this approach to be quite effective. It takes little time (ie I do not need to travel and meet the other party face to face). I can get attention, because my e-mail is light and interesting.

This new method of marketing is possible today, because of e-mail and mobilephone. Try it. And let me know if it works better for you.

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