Thursday, May 03, 2007

An alternative to Downtown Lines

The government plans to spend $12 billion to build 3 new MRT lines, called the Downtown line.

I wish to suggest another alternative to avoid this heavy investment:

* run more trains on the current lines, say twice the capacity
* have many feeder services to bring commuters to the current MRT lines

This allows the current train service to be improved earlier (rather than wait for 10 years). It will cost only a fraction of the proposed $12 billion.


  1. I would like to suggest introducing private bus operator to handle feeder services beside SBS Transit.

  2. The downtown lines will be given to a cronie. Spending $$$ on useless construction projects is stimulate the GLC. Its cronism at its best.

  3. When the new line lose money due to lower than expected traffic and the need to justify the high cost of building the lines, PTC will simply raise our public transport fares.

    Do we have a say? Our Million Dollar Ministers will just need to open mouth and justify or rather pacify us.
