Thursday, May 03, 2007

Better to have a standard taxi fare

The taxi operators are free to levy their charges for the hiring of taxis. This is supposed to promote competition, with the aim of improving service and reduce cost to commuters.

In reality, we get the opposite outcome.

Many people are confused with the various charges and surcharges imposed by the taxi operators.

If you are in a taxi queue, you have to take the next taxi that appears in the queue and accept their price structure. During peak hours and rainy days, it is difficult to get a taxi unless you make a booking and pay a booking fee.

Life is confusing.

In Shanghai, there are many taxi operators, but all taxis have to follow a standard fare. The starting fare is RMB 11 (SGD 2.2) and increases in a standard manner based on distrance. You can telephone for a taxi, and do not have to pay any booking fee.

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