Saturday, May 05, 2007

Discrimination in the workplace

There were a few letters and articles written in the newspaper about discrimination in the workplace.

It appears that some employers discriminate against the following:

* female employees
* pregnant mothers
* older workers


These employers take a short term view. Some are small businesses struggling to survive. Others are profitable companies that aim to "increase their shareholder value".

The old practice of "employer welfare" appears to be incompatible with today's world.
We need a new approach.

Perhaps, the cost of maternity should be borne by society, and not the employer. The wages of older workers should commensurate with their productivity and contribution.

If we are paid for what we contribute, we do not near to fear discrimination.

1 comment:

  1. Now there is a suggestion that employers should not ask for age, marriage status, sex, etc. I think this will waste the time of both employers and job seekers. The employer knows what he wants. Not knowing this early will mean job seekers wasting their time applying and worst going for interviews.
