Friday, June 15, 2007

Choice of Workshop

Dear Mr Tan,

NTUC Income advertises a motor insurance plan that gives the choice of workshop to repair the car. Is this a better plan?



You have to pay a higher premium when you select the plan that offers you a choice of workshop. The difference could be 10% to 20% higher.

Most customers prefer the normal plan that charges a lower premium. In most cases, they do not make any claim. If they have an accident, it is better to let NTUC Income handle the repair at their quality workshop. The customer feedback on service and quality of repair has been good.

My suggestion: Go for the normal plan. Enjoy a lower premium (10% to 20% lower). Let NTUC Income handle the repair for you. You can save the hassle.

Exception: If you own a new car (1 or 2 years old) and you are fussy about the repair, then pay 20% more and take the "choice of workshop" plan.


  1. Many of my clients opted for the normal plan that allows Income to use the authorised workshop to repair their cars.

    Most of them are happy with the repair.

    Infact IDAC is not what some think is troublesome,infact it is hassle free.

    Once report is done, Income takes over repair the following day and car will be returned once repaired.

    -Thomas Phua

  2. Firstly, 80% of motorists will not be involved in accident.

    Secondly, if you are a safe driver, you are more likely to be not at fault and you can still go to your own workshop and claim from the other party.

    Hence, there is no need to be too kiasu and choose a higher plan which you may not need to use.
